The Reality of Speaking with God Face-To-Face: A Reflection on Exodus 33:11

The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.
— Exodus 33:11

What is the first thought after reading this verse in Exodus? How does it make you feel? Does it bring about strokes of curiosity within your spirit? Does it bring an aspect of fear or hesitation? Do you doubt that something so intimate between you and your Father could ever be possible? So many questions may be coming to the surface from the depths of your mind. I know for me, when I initially read this verse as I was reading through the Bible earlier this year, it stopped me in my tracks and all of these questions overwhelmed my understanding and my capacity of how I had logically understood God from my own unique perview. I immediately was reminded of something someone had told me as a younger believer when reading about Moses. The individual told my pre-teen self, “we cannot be compared to the heroes of the early faith, we cannot be like that.” I could not disagree with that statement more now with the current maturity level in Christ. We should not compare ourselves to anyone, ever; however, we can have the same level of access to the Lord that Moses had. In fact, it is strongly encouraged throughout the narrative of Scripture because we have been told that we have the same Spirit living within us.

The concept of speaking to God face-to-face is both awe-inspiring and deeply intimate. Exodus 33:11 provides a unique glimpse into the relationship between Moses and God, one that was characterized by direct and personal communication. This verse invites us to reflect on the nature of our own relationship with God and challenges us to seek a deeper, more personal connection with Him.


Lessons from Moses's Encounter with God

In Exodus 33:11, we read about a profound moment where God speaks to Moses “face to face, as one speaks to a friend.” This phrase signifies an extraordinary level of intimacy and trust between Moses and God. Unlike other prophets who received God’s messages through visions, dreams, or intermediaries, Moses experienced a direct and personal dialogue with the Creator. He lived in a working, flowing, constant relationship with his dearest Friend, his Lord, his Commander. The idea behind this “face-to-face” conversation between God and Moses is so special and life-giving because it encompasses three areas of connection between the two of them. This connection is attainable, it is reachable, it is transformative.

This face-to-face communication highlights several key aspects to their relationship:

Personal Intimacy

The relationship between Moses and God was not distant or informal. It was marked by closeness and familiarity, which led to a deep, meaningful, and intentional friendship. The intimacy that the two received from each other was as though the two were married and in an ever-flowing conversation that never ceased. The desire from both parties was simplistic and raw – intimate and helpful.

Mutual Trust

God entrusted Moses with His words and guidance, knowing that Moses would faithfully lead the Israelites. One thing is always certain in our human experience, even with the Lord. Trust is earned, through time, effort, and devotion. Moses, time and time again revealed to the Father that he could be trusted, not because Moses had to remind him (which he never did), but because Moses showed the Lord that he was willing to risk everything to listen and obey His voice, His commands. God began trusting Moses so much that their relationship turned into a fire of emotion and engagement. You also have to trust the Lord that when He speaks, it is not going to lead you away from Him and it will always be for your good.

Receiving Revelation

Moses received clear and direct instructions from God, which were crucial for the leadership and future of the Israelites. God gives revelation to those who will act upon it. He knows the hearts of His people, the realness of this truth could put you in one of two categories: (1) those who receive and (2) those who have not yet received. This may have a tone of harshness, but believe me, I have zero intention of being harsh. This is actually greatly encouraging regardless of the category you have fallen into. If you receive revelation from the Lord, count it as joy and keep obeying, keep asking, keep speaking to God and listening to His voice. If you fall into the second category, know that revelation is worth the effort of sitting with the Lord more. Begin waiting, begin asking, have faith to receive, and be eager to obey when the King speaks.


Asking the Hard Questions

As we ponder Exodus 33:11, several questions, (that also tie directly into the questions I asked in the opening paragraph) arise that can deepen our understanding and application of this verse in our lives: Note: These are reflection questions for you to answer on your own. I asked myself these same questions as I wrestled with this concept, I believe it will be extremely helpful to you.

What does it mean to speak to God as a friend?

  • Reflect on the qualities of a true friendship: honesty, trust, vulnerability, and love. How can I cultivate these qualities in my relationship with God?

  • What does true friendship look like between the Lord and I?

  • What are some areas that may need to be looked at in my life to become “true” friends with God?

How can we experience a face-to-face relationship with God today?

  • While we may not see God physically, we can seek, feel, and be led by His presence through prayer. How can I make the practice of prayer more intentional and heartfelt?

  • How often am I in direct conversation with God?

What barriers might prevent us from experiencing this level of intimacy with God?

  • Consider the distractions, doubts, or fears that might hinder our connection with God. How can I address and overcome these obstacles?

  • What decision needs to be made so I can approach God and give Him my full attention?


Putting Exodus 33:11 into Practice

As a man who played almost every sport known in America growing up. I know first hand that you can become more comfortable with a sport by practicing. You become a student of the game you choose to devote your time to. Much like our relationship with the Lord, it actually requires practice and time that is devoted on your end of the relationship. Besides, God will never have to practice, He’s completely perfect, He’s always there to watch, cheer on, and applaud you as you practice these aspects of your relationship with Him. He is an active participant alongside you, He’s the trainer.

Here are a few tips as you think about this concept:

  1. Cultivate a Habit of Prayer: Just as Moses regularly met with God in the tent of meeting, we can set aside dedicated time each day to converse with God. Approach Him with the openness and honesty of a friend. This does not just involve talking, but a majority of your time together should be listening. I cannot say this enough, take time to listen, then respond, and listen more.

  2. Seek God’s Presence: Create a sacred space in your home where you can retreat for prayer and reflection. This can be a physical reminder of your commitment to seeking God’s face. This is truly possible wherever you live, work, and play. God does not care where you are, whether next to your bed, laying on the floor, sitting on the toilet, in the shower, in the office, etc., physically tell the Lord, “I am here, You are here, reveal yourself to me in any way you want to.” Close your eyes, sit in silence, and converse with your Dad. He cares very little about location, He cares about space. There is a difference.

  3. Embrace Vulnerability: Be honest with God about your struggles, fears, and doubts. Trust that He listens and cares deeply for you, just as He did for Moses. Many times, Moses approached God with his unique challenges and struggles. Every time, God approached Moses with compassion, forgiveness, and empathy. He cares about every area of your life, and He wants to be a part of it; in fact, He wants to work through it all with you.

  4. Reflect on God’s Word: Dive into the Scriptures, seeking to understand God’s character and His desires for your life. Let His Word shape your thoughts and actions. His Word is the direct revelation in written format. He has revealed everything to us in the Bible for us to know if what is being said to us personally is Him or not. If it lines up with His Word, it is Him. If it does not, it is the enemy. Remember this, God will never speak anything to you that does not align fully with His Word. This will be helpful as you practice speaking to God face-to-face.


Exodus 33:11 challenges us to seek a deeper, more personal relationship with God. By reflecting on the nature of Moses’ face-to-face encounters with God, we can be inspired to cultivate a similar intimacy in our own spiritual journey. Let us strive to speak to God as a friend, embracing the profound reality that He desires a close and personal relationship with each of us.


O’ God, As I reflect on the words, “The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend,” I am filled with awe and wonder. This verse stirs my spirit and ignites a deep longing within me to experience such intimacy with You. I confess that at times, I feel unworthy or hesitant, doubting that such a close relationship with You is possible for me. Yet, Your Word assures me that through Your Spirit, I have access to the same closeness that Moses experienced. Lord, I desire to know You more deeply, to speak with You as a friend, and to hear Your voice clearly. Help me to cultivate a heart that seeks Your presence daily. Remove any barriers that hinder my connection with You—whether they be distractions, doubts, or fears. Grant me the courage to approach You with honesty and vulnerability, trusting that You welcome me with open arms. Teach me to listen actively for Your voice, to be still and know that You are God. May my times of prayer be marked by genuine conversation, where I not only speak but also hear Your guidance and wisdom. Let Your Word come alive in my heart, transforming my thoughts and actions. Father, I thank You for the example of Moses, who walked in such close fellowship with You. May his story inspire me to pursue a deeper relationship with You, knowing that You desire to speak with me face to face, as You did with him. Help me to trust in Your faithfulness and to respond to Your revelations with obedience and love. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


Washington, D.C. September 2024


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