Asking for Wisdom Amidst a Job Loss

Revelations for this Moment

1 God is in control over our story. He loves and cares for us deeply.

2 We do not have to understand why we experience times of transition, but God’s wisdom surpasses our limited logic.

3 Embracing the unknown shows God that we trust His plan for our lives. It is not our job to understand the unknowns of life.


Oh, God, architect of the universe, the weaver of my destiny, I come to you with a heart both weighty and hopeful. The familiar path of my work has dissolved, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty. I stand at the precipice of a new chapter in my life, unsure of the words I should pray, and the path I should take. Guide my hand, my Lord, I implore you, that my words would not be spoken out of despair, but of resilience. Let the whispers of doubt be silenced by the roar of your promises. You promise to give me a hope and a future, so I ask you to fulfill your Word. I know you are the Master of possibilities, the God of second chances. Give me your divine wisdom, not just to navigate the practicalities of this transition, but to see beyond the immediate, to see the tapestry of my life in its entirety. Give me the supernatural ability to see my life the way you see it. Let this unexpected detour not be a loss, but a redirection, a chance for my spirit to be reshaped and empowered by your grace. Grant me the courage to embrace the unknown, the faith to trust your plan, and the wisdom to discern the path that leads to a life of purpose, joy, and meaning, in the name of Jesus and for your glory, amen.


The Reality of Speaking with God Face-To-Face: A Reflection on Exodus 33:11


Walking with Wisdom