Walking with Wisdom

Life is full of ups and downs, and wisdom can help us navigate it all. But what is wisdom, and how do we get it? And even more importantly, how can we use it in our everyday lives?

One is not made wise by reading many books, but by devoting to store up the content of one book, the Bible.
— Kevin Scarbrough

Wisdom is all about proximity

Biblical wisdom is more than just knowledge or intelligence; it is the application of the divine insight that the Holy Spirit gives to us in our everyday lives. It involves discerning right from wrong and making choices that align with God’s will. Proverbs 9:10 makes it clear for us on how to gain wisdom, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” This verse highlights that true wisdom starts with a reverent relationship with God, recognizing His sovereignty and seeking His guidance. Therefore, wisdom can only be attained by walking closely with the Father. If we are in step with the Lord at all times, it becomes much easier to live in a way that is wise; because we just follow His constant leadership.

Wisdom in the Bible; mainly in the Book of Proverbs is often personified as a woman calling out to us, urging us to embrace her teachings. Proverbs 1:20-22 illustrates this vividly: “Wisdom cries aloud in the street, in the markets she raises her voice; at the head of the noisy streets she cries out; at the entrance of the city gates she speaks: ‘How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple?’” This imagery emphasizes that wisdom is accessible to all who are willing to listen and learn. The Holy Spirit also describes through His Word that wisdom is always there, always making the right path known, forever giving insight to those around her.

Not until we have become humble and teachable, standing in awe of God’s holiness and sovereignty. acknowledging our own littleness, distrusting our own thoughts, and willing to have our minds turned upside down, can divine wisdom become ours.
— J.J. Packer

Prayer is the method by which one acquires wisdom

Accessing wisdom is not some random instinct; wisdom is something that must be sought after and asked for constantly. James 1:5 encourages us, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” This scripture reassures us that God is willing to impart wisdom to those who earnestly seek it. We should always be asking God, who IS Wisdom, for His wisdom.

To truly embrace wisdom, we must be in relationship with the Lord. Therefore, we must cultivate a life of prayer, regularly communicating with God and asking for His guidance in our decisions and actions. I think it can sometimes slip our minds that the only way we can truly remain in relationship with God is through prayer. Prayer is how we get wisdom directly from the Source. When we pray, we acknowledge our dependence on God and open our hearts to receive His divine insight. When we pray to receive God’s wisdom, we are openly admitting that we require God’s help in every moment of our life.

Immersing ourselves in the Bible is also crucial, as it is the direct revelation of wisdom. The scriptures are filled with teachings and examples that guide us in making wise choices. By studying the Bible, and storing it up in our heart, we gain a deeper understanding of God’s character and His will for our lives. This knowledge equips us to navigate the complexities of life with discernment and clarity.

Additionally, surrounding ourselves with godly mentors and friends who can offer wise advice and support is invaluable. Proverbs 13:20 advises, “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.” The company we keep significantly influences our growth in wisdom. By seeking counsel from those who are grounded in their faith and experienced in their walk with God, we can gain valuable insights and avoid pitfalls.

Reflecting on our experiences and learning from them allows God to shape our understanding and grow in wisdom. Life’s challenges and trials are opportunities for growth. As we reflect on our experiences, we can discern patterns and lessons that God is teaching us. This process of reflection helps us to internalize wisdom and apply it more effectively in the future.


Wisdom always aligns with God’s Word

Walking with wisdom means integrating it into every aspect of our lives. Making thoughtful, godly decisions, that align with biblical principles and considering their impact on others is essential. Wisdom and humility are interconnected. One must always be open to correction, and learning from other godly people. Living with integrity, letting our actions reflect God’s values and how He leads us, and maintaining honesty in all we do are hallmarks of a wise life. Moreover, wisdom is about understanding and empathizing with those who are in the world, without conforming to the world. Wisdom is getting close to the danger, avoiding being trapped by it. Wisdom can lead you into what seem like “dangerous” situations, but because God has been given the ability to lead in the situation, He uses your faith and your willingness to say “yes” to profoundly impact those around you. In our daily interactions, wisdom guides us to act with compassion and empathy. It helps us to see situations from different perspectives and respond with grace. For instance, when faced with a conflict, wisdom enables us to seek peaceful resolutions rather than reacting impulsively. It encourages us to listen actively and speak thoughtfully, fostering healthy and constructive relationships.

Are you noticing something that wisdom counteracts? Wisdom is the exact opposition of our own natural tendencies, our own fleshly reactions. That is why we should desire that wisdom be the source of our decision-making process. Before making decisions, we should consider the biblical principles for making the decision as well as how it will impact others. This thoughtful approach ensures that our choices are not only beneficial to us but also honor God and serve the greater good. By asking God to help us make decisions, we are telling God we trust Him more than we trust ourself. One of my favorite and most utilized scriptures that I remind myself and others of is Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Biblical wisdom is a precious gift that transforms our lives, guiding us to live in harmony with God’s will. By seeking wisdom through prayer, scripture, and godly counsel, and by walking in humility, integrity, and compassion, we can navigate life’s challenges with God’s grace and purpose. As Proverbs 3:13-14 reminds us, “Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold.” Let us embrace this divine wisdom and let it illuminate our path every day. Wisdom is good for us, it is the pathway by which God uses to lead us into a straighter path. Seek God’s wisdom always!


Father, you are the source of wisdom. In fact, my Lord, you are Wisdom. You give your wisdom to me freely, when I ask. So God, I ask you for your wisdom, lead my life in every way. Lord, may I be fully dependent upon you for every decision that I am faced with. Give me your thoughts, your direction, and let me have a greater desire for wisdom. I love you God, and I love your wisdom. Make me wise by the power of the Holy Spirit, make me more like you, Jesus. Holy Spirit, may I lean on your understanding and not my own, and as a result, becoming more like you and impacting others in a way that brings transformation. Jesus, you are my love, my King, and my treasure. I pray in your name, amen.


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