The Hidden Benefits of Suffering

In our journey of faith, we will encounter various problems, challenges, and times of suffering. These moments of difficulty are not just obstacles but opportunities for deepening our relationship with the Lord through prayer. Problems are deeply impactful in our spiritual formation if approached with a thankful and trusting heart in Jesus. We will see how Scripture guides us to handle problems with faith and perseverance.

Understanding Problems

Problems are an inevitable part of life. Jesus Himself acknowledged this when He said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). This assurance reminds us that while problems are certain, so is Christ’s victory over them. We must remember that in all things, Jesus ALREADY HAS THE VICTORY!

Healthy Habits in Prayer

Acknowledge the Problem: Begin by acknowledging the problem before God. When we acknowledge our struggles to the Lord, we take the first step in seeking His guidance and support. It’s important to understand that God does not force us to delve deeper into our troubles than we are ready to; He respects our pace and readiness. In the same way, we are to respect His pace and His readiness. By openly sharing our concerns with Him, we invite His presence into our lives, allowing His peace and wisdom to help us navigate through our difficulties. This act of acknowledgment is a powerful way to strengthen our relationship with God and to experience His loving care in our times of need. One Scripture I always think of when I need to share my problems with the Lord is Psalm 34:17, where it says, “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles.”

Seek God’s Guidance: Ask God for guidance and clarity. God’s guidance is way better and more effective than our own way. We sometimes might not think that because God has a tendency to keep us waiting longer than we would like, but it’s His guidance along the way that keep us encouraged and expectant that He is there. Regularly turning to Him for direction helps us to remain grounded in His wisdom rather than our own understanding. This practice not only brings clarity but also deepens our trust in God’s plan for our lives. The question then comes, “Well, how do I know when the Lord speaks?” My answer would be this, just sit quietly with Him and filter out your own voice, so you can hear His. He speaks more than we might expect, because He has a lot of thoughts about our current situations and He wants to help.

Pray for Strength and Joy: Request Holy Spirit’s strength to endure and overcome. One of the most powerful ways to fight against the problems in your life is through being joyful. Joy is the opposite of anything negative, so be joyful in the Lord always. Cultivating a habit of praying for strength and joy can significantly impact our resilience. To have a strong resilience is simply saying, “I can endure more.” But we must remember that our strength is from God alone, and it is through Christ that we live, not by our own power. By consistently asking for the Holy Spirit’s empowerment, we can face challenges with renewed vigor and a positive outlook. Embracing joy, even in difficult times, acts as a shield against despair and negativity, allowing us to experience God’s presence and strength more profoundly.

Thank God for His Faithfulness: Even in the midst of problems, thank God for His faithfulness. I challenge you to go one step farther by telling God “thank you” for the problem because it will lead you to lean on Him more. It also tells the enemy that he cannot phase you when you are IN Christ. By thanking God for His faithfulness and even for the challenges we face, we not only acknowledge His sovereignty and goodness, but you are giving God permission to step in and act however He would like. This practice not only strengthens our faith but also serves as a powerful testimony to others about the hope and trust we have in God’s promises.

Scriptural Insights on Problems

Here are a few Scriptures that have really encouraged me as I have faced problems throughout my life. I pray these statements and Scripture passages serve you in the same way they serve me as I follow Christ. One way these can become even more helpful as you face problems is through memorization. HStore up God’s Word in your heart so that you can provide for your spirit some HOLY BACKUP and encouragement.

Trust in God’s Plan: Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” When faced with problems, trusting God’s plan is crucial and for our own good. This is harder than it may seem, but our natural instinct needs to shift from trusting in ourselves to trusting in Yahweh.

Seek God’s Wisdom: James 1:5 tells us, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” Prayer is our direct line to God’s wisdom, especially in times of trouble. Without God’s wisdom, it is actually impossible to navigate this life that will be full of hardship. God is Wisdom, so He can be trusted completely in every situation.

Persevere in Faith: Romans 5:3-4 states, “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” Problems can strengthen our faith and character if we persevere. The only way to persevere is to rely SOLELY on Jesus Christ. We are ONE with Christ! It is by Him and through Him that we persevere through trials.

Problems are a part of our earthly journey, but through prayer, we can navigate them with faith and hope. Let us remember the words of Philippians 4:6, where the Lord tells us to be anxious about NOTHING! We must rely heavily upon Jesus. Through Jesus, He can turn our problems into opportunities for spiritual growth and a deeper reliance on our Father.

Pray this with me today

King Jesus, I rely on You today in the midst of problems, struggles, attacks, and suffering. You are the Conquerer of all things and I trust in You. I thank You for every problem and every amount of suffering as 1 Thessalonians 5:18 challenges me. May I be like the apostles when they were beaten before in the courts for their faith in You, Jesus. May I rejoice in my suffering, in my problems, in my trials, in my struggles. I honor You and I glorify Your holy name today my King. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Love you all, and may this post give you strength through the Word.


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