A Prayer for an Early Morning Breakfast

Revelations for this Moment

1 The food in front of me can only satisfy my body, it cannot satisfy the longings of my soul.

2 I want to hunger for righteousness more than I hunger for this food.

3 God has provided the food I need.


Gracious Lord, as the dawn breaks and the world opens their eyelids, I gather in the quiet of this early hour, grateful for the gift of this new and purpose-filled day. I thank you for the food before me, a testament to your unwavering provision and love for me, your child. In this low-lit, serene moment, I pause to acknowledge your endless mercies and the fresh start you grant me today. Bless this meal that I am about to eat, prepared with care and shared in fellowship with you, the One who loves deeply. As I partake in this breakfast, let me be nourished not only by the food but also by your Word. May each bite remind me of your goodness and each sip refresh my soul. Let this early meal be a celebration of your creation and a dedication for the day to your service. Guide my steps, inspire my thoughts, and fill my heart with your tranquility. I ask for your favor over this food, that it may reinforce my body and mind for the tasks that are ahead. Keep me mindful of those who hunger and stir my spirit to allocate your blessings with others who are in need.

For your glory, I pray, Amen.


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