My First Washington DC Trip but, Not The Last

July 2024 DC Trip Report

When an airline pilot changes to a different aircraft type or when they are a new hire, they spend about a month learning how to fly the airplane in the simulator. At the end of the month, they take a check ride in the simulator with a FAA Designee to earn their type rating. After this, the first time they actually fly the airplane is with paying passengers. The FAA fortunately requires them to fly with an instructor for several flights who eventually clears them to fly with another regular pilot. The FAA calls this an Operational Experience training flight or O.E.

Mark gave me my O.E. flight this last week. We traveled to D.C. together and he showed me the logistics of his favorite way to get there. When we arrived in the late afternoon the first day, he showed me around the US Capitol, the Supreme Court and the Library of Congress, as well as the different House and Senate office buildings, to get me oriented.

The next morning, we took the Metro to the Capitol South Station, within a block of the US Capitol and the House Office Buildings. On the way I had the opportunity to hand out my first prayer card to a lady on the train. I asked her what she did, and she told us she worked in the White House helping with the reelection campaign. When she asked what we were doing, I handed her a card and explained that we were there to pray with men and women, on both sides of the aisle, bearing their burdens. She was very positive and described how she was a devout Buddhist and spoke about how she believed all roads led to the same place. The interesting thing about her was she spoke with a British accent.

Mark had gotten several appointments with some of the offices he regularly visits. We went to these and prayed with Chiefs of Staff, Schedulers, Research Assistants, and even interns. It was heart warming to see the relationships Mark has developed over the years. It was also encouraging to see the impact those relationships have on the people there. We “accidentally” ran into a congressman who Mark has prayed with regularly in the House Post Office. He shared a prayer request with us, and we prayed for him there.

We even managed to visit one of the janitors who Mark regularly visits with. We prayed with her as well. Then we stopped at the congressional bookstore and prayed with the two check out clerks who were there.

During one of our walks through the hall we saw two Georgia State Representatives and a Georgia State Senator who were lobbying one of our state congressmen about an agricultural issue. Mark had met one of them previously while praying in the Gold Dome in Atlanta and introduced me to them. I will be looking for them when our state’s elected officials meet this next year.

Our last stop was at David’s Tent ( where the people there have been worshipping and praying 24/7 since September 11, 2015. It was a good stop to refresh our bodies from the heat and our souls as well.

On each stop, Mark introduced me and reminded them that I would be taking his place. I really appreciated his time with me and his mentoring me there. I look forward to putting myself at God’s disposal in his place.

Joe Fowler

This is Mark,

I just want to add that of the 100 or so men I pray with every week, Joe is one of the 1st, if not the 1st person I would have chosen to replace me. It is always amazing to me how the Lord provides workers in the harvest field. Maybe Joe can share how this transition occurred (hint, hint).

Joe is going to do a GREAT job in DC and under the Gold Dome in Atlanta. Everyone I introduced him to embraced him looking forward to his future visits.

Joe, the baton is now yours, my friend.



Peace Can Give Direction