Embracing Prayer in the New Year

As we step into the New Year, we are always greeted with a sense of anticipation and possibility. This is the time everyone sets new goals, has big aspirations, and tries again from past attempts of all of the aforementioned. It is that time to reflect on the past and look forward to the future with hope and a renewed faith. We do not have to be the same person we were last year, we have a ever-available opportunity to become more like Jesus this year. I want to arise a people of prayer in this New Year, as this will be my first full year as one that leads a National Prayer Ministry.

One Scripture that speaks profoundly to my heart of prayer and the promise of a new beginning is Philippians 4:6-7. This verse to me is the one God centered me on as I thought about the New Year.

6 Do not be anxious about anything, sbut in everything by prayer and supplication twith thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
— Philippians 4:6-7

A Year of Prayerful Living

As we enter into 2025, let us COMMIT to becoming people of prayer. Paul's words in Philippians remind us of the power of prayer in transforming our anxieties into peace and our worries into trust. This year, let's cultivate a prayerful life that brings us closer to God and into a power through Him that can only be attained by praying. We must saturate our life with prayer, we must saturate others in prayer, we must saturate our churches, government buildings, college campuses, public schools with prayer. These things are not optional, but it takes a committed soldier of Christ Jesus for these areas to be prayed for, and claimed as territory for the King. This only comes through prayer.

A New Year's Blessing

Before we dive into practical tips and creative ways to enhance our prayer lives, I want to take a moment to pray a blessing over you, as you embrace the New Year.

Good and holy Father, as we step into this new year, we come before You with hearts full of hope and anticipation. We thank You for the gift of a fresh start and the opportunity to draw closer to You. Lord, we ask for Your blessing over each person reading this. May Your peace, which surpasses all understanding, guard their hearts and minds throughout this upcoming year, In Jesus’ name. Grant them the wisdom to seek You in every situation, the courage to trust in Your plans, and the perseverance to remain steadfast in prayer. May their lives be filled with Your presence, and may they experience the joy and peace that come from a deep relationship with You. I pray the fear of the Lord over them, I pray proximity to You over them, In Jesus’ name, and I pray that You would lead their life in all things. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Practical Tips for a Consistent Prayer Life

I want to equip you to be a prayerful follower of Jesus. With that said, here are some practical tips (in no particular order) to help you cultivate an active, and meaningful prayer life in 2025:

Set a Regular Prayer Schedule

Consistency is key in developing a strong prayer habit. It’s just like anything else, without consistency, it will not be effective. If someone wants to get in shape, exercise and diet done consistently will allow for results to be reaped. Inconsistency will bring forth difficulty, and ultimately will bring the person to the place of giving up. Therefore, set aside specific times each day for prayer. In fact, I encourage you to set aside a specific amount of time that would potentially make your flesh uncomfortable. For some, maybe that’s 10 minutes, for others it could be hours. Treat these moments as sacred appointments with God, where you can pour out your heart and more specifically, listen for His voice.

Create a Prayer Space

Having a dedicated space for prayer can help you focus and minimize distractions. I do not need to go into the depths of distractions. Removing distractions can make or break your prayer time. I just heard a brother in Christ say, “People pray, but they never get to the point of prayer.” That’s because they get so distracted that they can never experience relationship with the Father in prayer. It could be a quiet corner in your home, a comfortable chair by the window, or an isolated spot in your yard. Regardless, the goal is simple, interact with the Father one-on-one.

Use a Prayer Journal

Writing down your prayers can help you articulate your thoughts and track God's faithfulness over time. Use a prayer journal to record your requests, thanksgiving, and reflections. Reviewing your entries periodically can be a powerful reminder of how God has answered your prayers and worked in your life. My wife is excellent at this… There have been numerous moments where she has come to me and says, “Kev, God just answered a prayer of mine that I wrote down six months ago.” How encouraging is that? How challenging is that? Answer: Very. Write down dreams, visions, prayers, and reflect on them often. As you do this, watch how the Lord reveals Himself to you.

Pray Scripture

Incorporate Bible verses into your prayers to align your heart with God's Word. Let me give you a basic example from a very common scripture used for prayer. Philippians 4:6-7 is a perfect example of a Scripture that can guide your prayers. Meditate on the verse, personalize it, and use it as a foundation for your conversations with God. Let me take a small section to show what I mean. When the verse says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God,” we could pray something like this: “God, may I not be anxious about anything. But in every situation, by prayer and petition, I approach You with thanksgiving as I present my requests to You.” This is such a simple way to approach God in prayer. Open up any page of your Bible and read it in the first person back to God. It will bless Him, it will bless you, and you and God will grow closer.

Join a Prayer Group

Community is a vital aspect of spiritual growth. Consider joining or starting a prayer group where you can share your requests, support one another, and pray together. The fellowship and encouragement from others can strengthen your resolve and deepen your prayer life. This can be a text thread, a weekly gathering of your closest friends, or a group of people at your church where you all can pray together each week. I encourage you though, find people that will also be consistent and focused. The last thing you want is for uncommitted people to join and become a stumbling block to the rest of the group. Therefore, be strategic with this tip.

Have a Prayerful Mindset

Prayer is not just an activity but a mindset that permeates every aspect of our lives. As we enter 2025, let's prayerfully ask God for a mindset that seeks God's presence and guidance in all we do. These suggestions will be shorter than the aforementioned tips, but all are going to be helpful in your walk with the Lord in prayer this coming year.

Practice Gratitude

Begin each day with a heart of gratitude, thanking God for His blessings and faithfulness. Gratitude shifts your focus from worries to the goodness of God, setting a positive tone for your prayers and your day.

Be Still and Listen

It's important to have moments of stillness to listen for God's voice. Make time for silence and solitude, allowing yourself to be open to His guidance and promptings. Listening is the most essential aspect of a deep and meaningful prayer life. Always remember this quote. “If you do not take time to listen, you are not actually praying with the Lord, you are praying to Him.” The goal is to always be conversational with the Lord, so give Him more time to speak to you than you take to speak with Him.

Pray Throughout the Day

Cultivate the habit and be intentional to pray throughout the day, not just during designated prayer times. Whether you're at work, running errands, or spending time with loved ones, maintain an ongoing conversation with God. Invite Him into every moment, seeking His wisdom and presence. I guarantee His presence over your life when you intentionally take the unconventional times to pray with God.

A Year of Transformation

I truly believe that applying these tips to your life will strengthen your prayer life. After all, these tips and suggestions are not just words, they are personal experiences that I have had in my personal walk with the Lord. I am praying that all who read this, will be encouraged. If these things are applied and if you take prayer more seriously in 2025 than you currently are, God will reveal Himself to you more, and you will grow leaps and bounds in faith. This upcoming year, I know God has many things planned: salvations, spiritual gifts being unlocked in your faith journey (such as tongues, prophecy, and healings), great awakenings in generational groups, and churches growing in intimacy with the Lord. But even in all of those areas, prayer is required and expected. God wants you to be a pray-er this 2025 and you can join me this coming year to intercede for the world as we make this year about God’s kingdom. May God bless each of you and Happy New Year!


Your Heart, His Temple: A Reflection on Psalm 5:7


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