A Prayer to Imagine the Garden

Revelations for this Moment

1 Before praying this prayer, I want you to sit with the Lord and meditate on Him.

2 Use your imagination to imagine in your mind what you are saying through this prayer

3 Let your prayer come to life as you meaningfully recite this prayer back to the Father.


Oh, Weaver of the Garden, the Architect of True Intimacy, we come to You now, with hearts that long for the air of Eden, with the whisper of Your footsteps playing in the background in the cool of the day. We imagine now, those first, sacred moments, a beautiful garden that is bursting out and blossoming as a result of Your love, where Your voice echoes as we listen without fear or question, just pure communion.

Lord, help me to see Adam and Eve, walking with you, not just near you but with You, their souls unburdened, their spirits bright with excitement. I see them dancing in Your holy presence, where the three of you shared the same air. A world where Your perfect, personal touch was in every leaf, every fruit, and God help me to see every moment where Your eyes met with Adam and Eve’s eyes.

Oh, how we long for that uninterrupted connection, that seamless flow of just being with You, where our hearts beat in sync with Yours. We acknowledge the ominous shadow that fell, the fruit that was tasted in foolish pride, the separation that pierced the veil between the spiritual and the physical. We feel the ache of a world that is groaning, a creation longing once again for its complete and eternal restoration.

Yet, in the midst of this brokenness, You offer us a sanctuary, a private garden within our souls. A place, O’ Lord, where we can close the door to the world and open ourselves to Your gentle, unwavering, everlasting love. We are reminded that it is not simply an occasional prayer, but it is in the continual cadence of our soul, that we are invited to draw near to You, as You draw near to us.

Father, may the Holy Spirit be the gentle breeze that blows again, in the inner Eden that we get to experience today, sweeping away the dust of our doubt, the prickly thorns of our own worry. May Your presence become the fertile soil where our faith takes root, where we establish an unwavering expectancy for Your physical touch.

We ask for the strength to cultivate the discipline, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to remain. Not just to draw near, but to linger in the sanctuary You create in us, to keep our hearts open to your whispers amid the chaos of the day. Let our lives be filled with the spontaneous prayers of gratitude, the constant seeking of Your wisdom, the humble laying down of our anxieties.

Lord, we choose today, to believe in You, that as we draw near, You rush towards us with open arms. We choose to believe that You walk with us, just as You did in the Garden. We choose to believe that the joy of your presence is as real and as tangible as the ground beneath our feet.

Help us, like David, to seek You above all else, to dwell in the beauty of Your Temple, to bask in the light of Your countenance. May we carry the fragrance of Your presence with us, a glimpse of Eden in every step, a promise of the glorious restoration to come.

We long for the day when all the pain is wiped away, and the dance of unbroken communion begins anew. Until then, may our prayer life become the very real garden where we encounter You, in all of Your glory, our hearts longing to remain. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


A Supernatural Prayer Life


Returning to the Garden of Eden