A Christmas Prayer for Peace & Joy

Revelations for this Moment

1 We celebrate and acknowledge the birth of our Savior, who came wrapped in flesh, in the same way we were born into this world.

2 Jesus did not just come to earth to save us from sin, but also to show us that He is to be the leader and authority in our lives.

3 The peace and joy that Jesus brings to us has the ability to radically change our homes and our communities.


O God, as we celebrate the birth of Your holy, perfect, and everlasting Son, Jesus Christ, the baby from Nazareth, fill our hearts with the peace and joy that only He can bring. We thank You for His life, His leadership, and His humility to come and lead a life on earth for our sake and for the sake of Your kingdom. Guide us to spread love and kindness to those around us, and help us to find true happiness in Your presence. May Your peace reign in our homes and communities this Christmas season. Let us be able instruments of Your peace, bringing comfort to those who are hurting and hope to those who are lost. May the joy of our Savior's birth fill our hearts and overflow into our actions, our thoughts, and our prayer life with You. Be with us and give us Your Holy Spirit so that we may be a light in the darkness. In humility, through Jesus the Son, we pray, Amen.


A Christmas Prayer of Gratitude and Generosity


The Prophetic Foretelling of the Birth of Jesus